华人运动生理与体适能学者学会(SCSEPF)是在运动生理学的理论研究及以运动训练及体适能等领域为主的应用生理学研究中形成的华人学者学术组织。第二十一届SCSEPF年会暨学术大会将于2024年12月6~9日在中国武汉的武汉体育学院举行。本次会议主题是:运动科学理论与应用的新进程(New Advances in Exercise Science Theory and Application)。现真诚地邀请您参加本次学术盛会。
The Society of Chinese Scholars of Exercise Physiology and Fitness (SCSEPF) is an academic organization formed by Chinese scholars specializing in Exercise Physiology and Applied Physiology research related to exercise training and fitness. The 21th SCSEPF Academic Conference, will be held from December 6th to 9 in 2024, at Wuhan Sports University in Wuhan, China. The theme of the Conference is “New Advances in Exercise Science Theory and Application”, and we sincerely invite you to participate in this academic conference.
Conference Agenda and Arrangement
1. 会议宗旨(Purposes)
■ 促进在运动生理学的理论、运动训练及体适能等领域为主的应用生理学研究。
To promote applied physiology research in areas such as the theory of exercise physiology, athletic training and physical fitness.
■ 为华人运动生理学及体适能工作者﹐提供一个展示其最新研究成果和讨论当前研究热点的论坛。
To provide a forum for Chinese scholars of exercise physiology and fitness practitioners to present their latest research results and discuss current research hotspots.
■ 推广运动生理学教学和研究的先进经验和方法。
To popularize the advanced experience and methods in the teaching and research of exercise physiology.
■ 促进SCSEPF与世界及国内有关的学术组织进行运动生理学及体适能相关科学的学术交流和合作。
To promote academic exchanges and cooperation between SCSEPF and international and domestic academic organizations in exercise physiology and physical fitness related sciences.
2. 主办及承办(Host and Organization)
■ 主办:华人运动生理与体适能学者学会(Society of Chinese Scholar on Exercise Physiology & Fitness, SCSEPF),武汉体育学院(Wuhan Sports University, WHSU)
■ 承办:武汉体育学院运动医学院
Host: School of Sports Medicine, Wuhan Sports University
3. 会议时间地点(Time and Location)
■ 2024年12月6(周五)~9日(周一)
December 6(Friday) - 9(Monday), 2024
■ 中国,武汉市,武汉体育学院
Wuhan Sports University, Wuhan, China
4. 会议组织委员会(Academic Committee)
■ 主席(Chairman)
傅浩坚教授(香港浸会大学)(Prof. Fu Hoo Kin, Frank, Hong Kong Baptist University)
吕万刚教授(武汉体育学院(Prof. Lv Wan Gang, Wuhan Sports University)
■ 组委会主席(Chairman of the Preparatory Committee):
余保平教授(武汉体育学院)(Prof. Yu Baoping, Wuhan Sports University)
■ 执行副主席(Executive Vice-Chairman)
孟思进教授(武汉体育学院)(Prof. Meng Sijin, Wuhan Sports University,Wuhan, China)
孔兆伟副教授(澳门大学)(Assoc. Prof. Kong Zhaowei, University of Macau, Macao, China)
贾绍辉副教授(武汉体育学院)(Assoc. Prof. Jia Shao-Hui, Wuhan Sports University,Wuhan, China )
■ 委 员(Members)
刘沅龙教授 美国西密歇根大学
Prof. Liu Yuanlong, Western Michigan University, USA
林贵福教授 台湾清华大学
Prof. Lin Kuei-Fu, Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, China
张 勇教授 天津体育学院
Prof. Zhang Yong, Tianjin University of Sport, Tianjin, China
王香生教授 香港中文大学
Prof. Wong Heung-Sang,Stephen, The Chinese University of HongKong,Hongkong,Chin
王梅副教授 武汉体育学院
Assoc. Prof. Wang Mei, Wuhan Sports University, Wuhan, China
柳华副教授 武汉体育学院
Assoc. Prof. Liu Hua, Wuhan Sports University, Wuhan, China
马春莲副教授 武汉体育学院
Assoc. Prof. Ma Chun-Lian, Wuhan Sports University, Wuhan, China
刘辉副教授 武汉体育学院
Assoc. Prof. Liu Hui, Wuhan Sports University, Wuhan, China
钱帅伟副教授 武汉体育学院
Assoc. Prof. Qian Shuai-Wei, Wuhan Sports University, Wuhan, China
范晶晶副教授 武汉体育学院
Assoc. Prof. Fan Jing-Jing, Wuhan Sports University, Wuhan, China
Dr. Hu Qing-Kui, Wuhan Sports University, Wuhan, China
王宁琦博士 武汉体育学院
Dr. Wang Ning-Qi, Wuhan Sports University, Wuhan, China
5. 会议科学委员会
■ 荣誉委员(Honour Chairman)
杨天乐教授 中国运动医学研究所
Prof. Yang Tianle, Institute of Chinese Sports Medicine, Beijing, China
林正常教授 台湾中国文化大学
Prof. Lin Jung-Charng, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, China
■ 主任委员(Chairman)
傅浩坚教授 香港浸会大学
Prof. Fu Hoo Kin, Frank, Hong Kong Baptist University
■ 副主任委员(Vice chairman)
刘沅龙教授 美国西密歇根大学
Prof. Liu Yuanlong, Western Michigan University, USA
林贵福教授 台湾清华大学
Prof. Lin Kuei-Fu, Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, China
张 勇教授 天津体育学院
Prof. Zhang Yong, Tianjin University of Sport, Tianjin, China
■ 委 员(Members):
何玉秀教授 河北师范大学
Prof. He Yuxiu, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang, China
周 石教授 澳大利亚南十字星大学
Prof. Zhou Shi, Southern Cross University, Australia
王香生教授 香港中文大学
Prof. Wong Heung-Sang, Stephen, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
周碧珠教授 香港浸会大学
Prof. Chow Bik Chu, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China
汤长发教授 湖南师范大学
Prof. Tang Changfa, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, China
张日辉教授 沈阳体育学院
Prof. Zhang Rihui, Shenyang Sport University, Shenyang, China
田振军教授 陕西师范大学
Prof. Tian Zhenjun, Shaanxi Normal University, Tianjin, China
章 岚教授 山东体育学院
Prof. Zhang Lan, Shandong Sport University, Jinan, China
李再立教授 台湾体育大学
Prof. Li Tzai-Li, Taiwan Sports University, Taipei, China
郑景峰教授 台湾师范大学
Prof. Cheng Ching-Feng, Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, China
林信甫教授 台湾大学
Prof. Lin Hsin-Fu, Taiwan University, Taipei, China
孔兆伟副教授 澳门大学
Assoc. Prof. Kong Zhaowei, University of Macau, Macao, China
聂金雷副教授 澳门理工学院
Assoc. Prof. Nie Jinlei, Macao Polytechnic University, Macao, China
徐玉明教授 杭州师范大学
Prof. Xu Yuming, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, China
孟思进教授 武汉体育学院
Prof. Meng Sijin, Wuhan Sports University, Wuhan, China
6. 会议主题(Theme)
■ 大会主题:运动科学理论与应用的新进程(New Advances in Exercise Science Theory and Application)
■数字化时代体适能与健康促进(Fitness and Health Promotion in the Digital Age)
■数字化时代慢性疾病与运动干预(Chronic Diseases and Exercise Intervention in the Digital Age)
■数字化时代中国传统健身方法的生理学研究(Physiological Research on Traditional Chinese Fitness Methods in the Digital Age)
■在训练和锻炼中生理学监控的应用进展(Progress in the Application of physiological monitoring in training and exercise)
■运动性疲劳及恢复新手段与新方法(New Methods and Approaches for Exercise-induced Fatigue and Recovery)
■数字化时代信息技术在健康促进中的应用(Applications of Information Technology in Health Promotion in the Digital Age)
■运动能力的评定新方法(New Methods of Function Evaluation on Exercise Performance)
■运动营养及中医药在运动中的应用(Nutrition in Sports and Applications of Chinese Medicine on Exercise)
■分子与细胞运动生理学(Molecular and Cellular Exercise Physiology)
■相关学科研究(Related Discipline Investigations)
7. 会议形式及会议语言(Patten for Presentations and Conference Language)
■ 主题报告、特邀报告、口头报告、墙报交流。会议采用英文或中文。
Keynote speech, invited speech, oral presentation, and poster presentation.
The conference will be conducted in English or Chinese.
8. 参加人员和规模(Participants)
■ 华人运动生理及体适能学者学会会员以及对运动生理与体适能领域研究有兴趣之教 师、科研人员、教练员、健身行业管理和专业人员及社会人士。特别欢迎研究生等广大青年学者参加。预计200-300人。
The SCSEPF members and those comprising academic staff, researchers, coaches, fitness industry managers and practitioners, are committed to advancing research in the domain of exercise physiology and physical fitness. The forthcoming conference is anticipated to attract 200 to 300 participants.
9. 投稿须知(Notice)
■ 提交论文摘要截止日期:2024年10月10日
Deadline for abstract submission: October 10th, 2024
■ 会议设审查制度:由学者专家进行评审,欢迎惠赐原创性论文(original paper)摘要。
The conference has established a review system whereby scholars and experts conduct evaluations. Original paper abstracts are welcomed for submission.
■ 论文摘要:请以Microsoft Word 格式打印,可用中文或英文撰写。中文摘要以500 字为限(宋体,小五号);英文摘要以400 字为限(Times New Roman, 11 Fonts),以上含必要的图表。
Abstracts can be written either in English or Chinese and should be submitted in Microsoft Word format. The English abstract should not exceed to 400 words in Times New Roman with 11-font size, whereas the Chinese abstract should not exceed 500 words and a Song font with small size 5 should be used. Tables and figures that are necessary to the abstract should be included.
Please E-mail abstract to scsepf2024@whsu.edu.cn;2019027@whsu.edu.cn
■ 录用通知:所有摘要须经评审,将在2024年11月30日前通知录用与否。申请参加者请注明您的摘要是口头报告还是墙报交流。
All submitted abstracts will undergo a rigorous review prior to acceptance. You will receive a notification regarding acceptance or rejection by November30, 2024. Kindly specify whether your abstract is intended for an oral presentation or a poster presentation.
■ 所有大会录用的摘要将在《第二十一届华人运动生理与体适能学者学会年会暨学术大会论文摘要集》发表。优秀之论文可提交学会的国际学术期刊Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness发表。
All accepted abstracts will be presented in the 21th SCSEPF Academic Conference and the outstanding papers may be considered for publication in the Society’s official peer-reviewed journal, the Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness (https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-exercise-science-and-fitness)
■ 本次大会的通用语言为英语和汉语,鼓励与会者提交英文摘要。
The primary languages of the conference include English and Chinese. To encourage the use of English, abstracts in English will be given priority consideration when other conditions are equivalent.
10. 会议奖励(Award)
■ 会议设学术论文奖励:大会优秀论文一等奖(10%名以内);大会优秀论文二等奖(10%以内)
Conference Awards for Academic Papers: 10% First Prizes for Excellent Paper;10% Second Prizes for Excellent papers)
11. 重要时间(Important Dates)
■ 论文摘要提交截止日期:2024年9 月30日晚上11: 30(第二轮已延期到2024年10月10日);
Deadline for submitting the paper abstract: September 30, 2023, 11:30 PM.
(Deadline for submission has been extended to October 10th, 2024)
■ 论文摘要录取通知发出日期:2024年11 月 30 日前。
Date of notification of acceptance: before November 30, 2023.
12. 会务费(Registration Fee)
■ 教师、研究人员等:175美元或1200元人民币(以当月汇率为准)。
For academic staff, researchers, etc.: US$175 or RMB 1200 (based on the exchange rate of the current month).
■ 全日制学生:120美元或800元人民币(持学生证)(以当月汇率为准)。
For full-time students: US$120 or RMB 800 (based on the exchange rate of the current month).
13. 会议食宿安排(Conference accommodation arrangements)
■ 会务组可协助办理酒店预订,食宿安排统一安排,食宿费和交通费自理。
The Organizing Committee will assist with hotel reservations, accommodation arrangement and meal plans. Participants are responsible for covering their own accommodation, meals and transportation expenses.
14. 其它信息(Other information)
■ 根据中国国家规定,会议不安排接站、送站,请安排好您的行程。
In accordance with China’s national regulations, there will be no arrangements for pick-up or drop-off at the conference. Please make your own travel arrangements.
15. 组委会联系方式
■ 会议组委会通讯地址:
■ 会务联系人:钱帅伟 电子邮箱:2019027@whsu.edu.cn
杨威 电子邮箱: 931375648@qq.com
■ 会议赞助商联系人:张友旺 电子邮箱:251788177@qq.com
No.461, Luoyu Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan City,
Hubei Province, China (postcode: 430079)
School of Sports Medicine, Wuhan Sports University,
电 话:+86-027-87191806
E-mail: scsepf2024@whsu.edu.cn
学会网站: https://www.scsepf.org
会议网站: https://scsepf2024.whsu.edu.cn